I'm glad you're here.
Here's your chance to go deep, find your light, and heal through sessions and classes.
I address your situation and intentions with clairvoyant spiritual counseling, healing, and teaching.
Classes involve comprehensive training in psychic skills, clairvoyance, spiritual healing, and trance-mediumship, for the benefit of self and others.
Sessions usually start as a clairvoyant reading unless another modality is requested, and proceed to other modalities as needed.
Clairvoyant Reading
Clairvoyant reading is the foundational component of what I do. When I do a reading, I get into my "clairvoyant space," which involves setting my energy system in ways that allow me to see your energy system while maintaining clear energetic boundaries. I don't feel into you or otherwise put my energy in your space or pull your energy into my body to read you. I put my attention in my third eye chakra and see your energy on a screen on the inside edge of my aura. That way, I don't put my attention and energy into your space, maintaining good energetic boundaries. Being in my clairvoyant space helps me maintain the flow of my energy which models that to any stuckness in your energy system, allowing for co-regulation and support with getting your energy flowing again.
During a reading, I'll ask you to say your full name three times so I can calibrate to your spiritual perspective held in your crown chakra. Then you'll get to share your intention for the session, which triggers your unconscious associations with what you brought up, which shows up in your energy system. The reading will proceed from there with me reading what is going on in your system and how it transforms.
There may be times when your spirit wants my spiritual healing support and other times when you are self-regulating effectively.
I may also teach simple psychic tools to support your intentions for the session and goals for your life.
Medical Intuitive Reading
Sometimes we feel like that bear. During medical intuitive readings, I read the physical body's energy and how it is affected by your emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. Often, the physical body's issues stem from issues in the other bodies. I collaborate with your self-healing abilities to heal the different bodies.
When the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies are well in the context of a part of your physical body, often there is noticeable perceptual relief, and the body's ability to heal itself is amplified.
Medical intuitive readings also may include looking at and healing how your body responds to different stimuli, like foods, environments, drugs, activities, and electronics.
I may recommend consultation with a medical doctor to address your physical body's issues more effectively. Medical intuitive readings are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Hands-on Healing
Hands-on healings involve setting my hands to the energy of my healing wisdom and then gently touching parts of the body that have stuck energy to create relief on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels of your being. Modeling that healing energy in my hands and touching stuck energy in the body allows that stuck energy to transform into wisdom. From the insight of clairvoyance and medical intuition I find and then heal the network of blockages in your energy system, aligning your spirit and body.
Home/Business Healing
During home healings I clairvoyantly look at the various spaces of your home, the land it resides on, and your relationship with those spaces. Previous negative experiences that have been associated with the space of the home may trigger negative emotions in your energy system. I can help clear the negative energy associated with the home and clear the negative energy in your energy system. Then we can collaborate on how you'd like your home to feel and I can help set the energy of the space and/or I can teach you how to do it yourself to help maintain your relationship with the space. Home healings work just as well for business spaces.
You may want a home healing if:
1. You are moving into a new home and want to clear out energies of the home's past so you aren't being negatively impacted by them.
3. You have experienced ghosts, spirits, entities, or beings in your home and want them to be cleared out of the home and have your relational karma with them cleared.
4. You have a business space that is stressful and unpleasant to be in.
5. You are intending to sell a home and would like the space to feel good to potential buyers.
6. You would like to enhance the energy of your home to support aspirations for your life or your family's life.
Home healings can easily be done remotely and can be done in-person if within 30 minutes of Lafayette, CO.
Mediumship Reading
In mediumship readings, I assist in establishing a connection between you and the spirit of the deceased. I can observe their energetic state and what they're experiencing. If they are in distress, I may provide healing to support their spiritual journey. Additionally, I can explore the dynamics of your spiritual relationship and offer healing to help you navigate any grief, often by distinguishing your energy from that of the deceased and other mourners. This process can be instrumental in alleviating the prolonged grief that some individuals face.
Spiritual Healing
Spiritual healing involves different techniques depending on the person and situation. I do spiritual healing or not based on what is skillful for that moment. I respect your ability to heal yourself; people often heal themselves just from hearing what energy I'm seeing in their space. Other times, someone's spirit may be overwhelmed and not be connected enough to their inner healing abilities to work with the issue at hand effectively. With consent, I offer the spiritual healing that appears appropriate at that time. Some of the many spiritual healing techniques that I utilize are:
1. Clairvoyantly looking for the healee's energy (often I look in their 11th chakra, which is about their enlightened expression) that can heal the present issue, and reading how that healing occurs.
2. Using some of my 11th chakra-based healing tools.
3. Calling in my two healing spirit guides (my healing master and psychic surgeon) and working with them to do spiritual healing and psychic surgery.
4. Utilizing the healing energies of deities.
5. Abiding in non-dualistic presence.
6. Running Christ-force energy through the energy system.
7. Recovering fragmented parts of the soul and reintegrating them.
8. Trance-medium healing.
In addition to integrating spiritual healing into readings, I can offer sessions focused on spiritual healing, which involves quiet healing and after the healing is done I'll share what I noticed during the healing. The quiet often allows for faster processing of energy as the pacing of the healing is no longer tied to linear conceptual understanding. If you'd like to lie down, relax, and let the stress quickly fall away in a non-conceptual process, ask for a session focused on spiritual healing.
Christ-Force Healing
After Jesus' lifetime, he worked with other ascended masters to create a grid of healing forgiveness energy around the planet. Many angels, spirit guides, healers, and spiritual teachers work on supporting, reinforcing, and utilizing this grid of energy. The energy of this grid is useful in healing on all levels: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. During a Christ-Force healing, I hold your feet, connect to the Christ-Force Grid and channel it through my hands and up through your entire body, clearing out layers of physical tension, emotional negativity, mental confusion, and spiritual unconsciousness. After the healing, I will tell you about the healing that I clairvoyantly saw unfold in your space. This healing can also be done long-distance.
Spiritual Teaching
Spiritual teaching may include teaching you simple visualization-based tools to manage your mind, body, spirit, and relationships. They can be empowering for you to be able to manage your life more effectively and insightfully. Regarding relationships, these teachings can support you in your psychological and energetic boundaries, clearing up negativity, and developing more presence along with any state of mind you would like to have with them. These teachings can also provide you with meditative techniques to calm your mind, be grounded, and effectively deal with psychological challenges.
Trance Medium Healing
Trance medium healing is a powerful modality where I set my energy system in a specific way, consciously leave my body, and work with your spirit to facilitate healing for your incarnation. Being consciously out of my body provides a vast spiritual perspective and clarity that allows me to cut through the drama of the issue, get to the spiritual root of the problem, and transform it quickly and effectively.
Areas of Expertise
What Clients are Saying
My Training
I trained for 10 years at the Psychic Horizons Center, the Boulder Psychic Institute, and the Aesclepion Institute, logging more than 1000 hours of doing clairvoyant readings and healings outside of classes. I completed programs in hands-on healing, spiritual healing, medical intuition, clairvoyance, spiritual teaching, trance-mediumship, channeling, and became an ordained minister through the Church of Inner Light at Psychic Horizons Center.
I taught a variety of programs and workshops at Psychic Horizons for over six years and ran energy healing clinics at Psychic Horizons and Naropa University. For over a decade I ran clairvoyant reading clinics guiding students at Psychic Horizons to hone their clairvoyant abilities.
I completed my BA in contemplative psychology at Naropa University and worked in the mental health field for about 15 years, working with clients with severe mental illness, honing my patience, compassion, and sense of perspective. For 5 years I lived with clients with severe mental illness as a therapeutic housemate, developing my ability to be centered in psychologically unstable environments.
I am a dedicated and consistent meditation practitioner, often spending hours per day meditating and doing energy work on myself. I have completed numerous solitary and group meditation retreats. I spent about 6 years regularly learning and intensively practicing meditation one-on-one with a Western Buddhist lama and completed an extensive meditation practice called ngöndro that took over four thousand hours. I respect diverse spiritual perspectives and use a non-sectarian approach. My pronouns are "he," "him," "his." Learn more on my Linked In profile.
Book a session now
Go deep, find your light, heal yourself.
1 hr
$150 sliding scale
Free Aura Reading
Type "free read" in the chat in the lower right and I will clairvoyantly read the seven layers of your aura as soon as I am available and send you what I noticed. I will read a color for each layer of your aura and let you know what the color represents.
Go deep, find your light, heal yourself.
©2024 by Deep Light Healing Sanctuary